Application Letter
Join Us in Ministry and Community
Dear Applicant,
Warm greetings from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Hagerstown! We greatly appreciate your interest in viewing our parish profile and encourage you to explore the history, people, and programs that make up our congregation.
This profile is the result of much discernment and conversation. It reflects not only who we are but also our goals, hopes, and dreams for our future and that of our next Rector. As we move through this interim period of discernment and searching, the people and staff of St. John’s continue focusing on inspiring spiritual worship services, outstanding music programs, deliberative outreach, and lay leadership that is confident and committed. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we encourage you to apply for the position of Rector at St. John’s.
In Christ’s Name,
David P. McKinley
Co-Chair, St. John’s Search Committee
Application Instructions
St. John’s Episcopal Church in Hagerstown is receiving applications from qualified Episcopal priests willing and interested in becoming our next Rector.
Each applicant should complete and transmit the following materials:
- Résumé
- Cover letter
- Three references
- Two sermons that reflect your preaching style (links to video recordings are preferred, but sermon texts will also be accepted)
- A PDF of your current OTM portfolio
- Responses to both essay questions listed below
Essay Questions
To review all candidates as fairly as possible, please provide responses to the questions below with minimal references to your own demographic information. Also, please limit each response to no more than 500 words.
- Describe your relationship with Christ and tell us where you find abiding joy in the Gospel. How will that inform the way you lead us in living out our baptismal covenant?
- St. John’s is an urban parish serving the people within its community and beyond. How would you help new ministries flourish while maintaining and renewing the existing outreach efforts of our parish?
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed, evaluated, and acted upon as they are received with a final deadline of April 11, 2025.
Submission: Interested applicants should submit all required materials electronically to:
The Rev. Canon Kristin Krantz
For any questions, please call:
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
Phone: 410-467-1399 or 1-800-443-1399