
Explore Our Parish Profile

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

St. John's Food Pantry Partnership

We partner with the Maryland Food Bank to host a Pantry on the Go each month, providing food assistance to those in need.

St. John’s is inclusive. We are a lively, active community of faith. We strive to be a loving congregation, committed to welcoming ALL and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We use The Book of Common Prayer, the Service bulletin, and The Hymnal 1982 to worship God with joy and enthusiasm.

  • 8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I: A quieter, contemplative service with limited music.
  • 10:15 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II:

    This service includes music led by a dedicated volunteer choir and our talented Minister of Music - who also serves as our organist and choir director. Music is an integral part of our worship at this service! We sing the Psalms and many liturgical responses, along with many hymns and spirituals which are chosen from a variety of sources by our Minister of Music. This service and many of our special events are livestreamed to YouTube as well as our active and up-to-date Facebook page.

45% of people who completed the survey attend church every Sunday.

The people who consider St. John’s their home are faithful in their attendance. Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the weekly worship services as readers, acolytes, altar guild members, offering ushers, intercessors, and lay eucharistic ministers.

Graph of Attendance

“St. John's Church provides a special place to be in God's presence. Joining our voices in worship makes me aware of the importance of being together as a community. Just being present in silence is meaningful as well. To quote from scripture, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place.’”

What are the main reasons you come to Saint John's for Sunday worship?

“The congregants are very welcoming and care for one another. The sermons are very good, there are plenty of ways to serve, and the music is outstanding. We find the services to be very meaningful and connected to true worship. The language of the Book of Common Prayer is beautiful.”

“I love the liturgy of the Mass, and I need the sustenance that I receive from the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Also, I have grown to love and value the people who give so much of themselves to make St. John's Parish the wonderful place that it is.”

Survey respondents listed an average of 3.9 ways they had served the church, with a range from 0 to 12.

Ways People Participate - Chart 1 Ways People Serve - Chart 2
Two Boys at Family Fun Day Group Shot with Tammy, Cathy, and Daughter Kim, Missy, and Linda

Outreach and Church Life

At St. John’s, we look after the pastoral needs of our parishioners and their families, whether physical or mental health, emotional or spiritual needs. Support may include phone calls, hospital visits, accompaniment to doctor visits if needed, sending cards, prayers, and checking in. Our outreach to the community is always based on loving and serving our neighbors.

Our Church Commissions

Our church is supported by several dedicated commissions, each working to strengthen different aspects of our parish life.

  • Christian Formation
  • Fabric and Grounds
  • Parish Life
  • Service and Outreach
  • Spiritual Life
  • Stewardship and Finance
  • Welcoming