
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Christian Education: Saint John’s offers Christian Education for youth on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. Classes for children ages 4 through high school meet in the classrooms above Trimble Hall.  New participants are always welcome. 

Adult Forum: The Shaping of Orthodoxy ~ Our series has looked at the diversity of the first two centuries of the church’s development and it is time to ask, “When does diversity become deviance?” When are more definite boundaries required?  In the middle of the 2nd century, at least partly in response to extreme impulses, Christianity took on a clearer shape. This period represents the most important stage of self-definition for Christianity. It emerges as a fully identifiable as a new religion. Join us in Saint Mary’s Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. service as we follow the story beyond the Sunday school teachings of your childhood.

Thanksgiving Pie deadline!  You can order your holiday pies and cheesecakes Sunday at the Antietam Street entrance or by calling Bruce Massey at 240-675-4498. Apple and Pumpkin pies - $12 Apple-Cranberry-Walnut, Cherry and Pecan Cheesecake Pies - $15 Lemony Cheesecake and Pumpkin Cheesecake - $25 Pies can be purchased baked or frozen. Cheesecakes can be frozen. Thank you for supporting Service and Outreach Commission projects!

Ushers: Two ushers are needed on team #7 at the 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested, please contact Mike Mummert or the Church office.

Counters: Many thanks to Maureen Sheridan and Jane Rozes for their years of service as counters. This is an important ministry that happens behind the scenes. Beginning January 2020, two counters are needed for the 2nd Sunday of each month plus one additional week each year. Counting is typically done on Sunday following the 10:15 a.m. service (other arrangements can be made if necessary).  Confidentiality is of utmost importance as well as accuracy. Training and detailed instructions will be provided. If you are interested in this ministry or have questions, please contact the Church office or the treasurer.

Saint John’s Artisan’s Fair!  Handmade arts and crafts along with baked goods will be sold today following the worship services. All proceeds from the Fair will go to Micah’s Backpack and Saint John’s Shelter. 

Saint John’s Shelter: The holidays are coming and Saint John’s Shelter will once again be collecting donations to give the families at the shelter a gift card for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  If you would like to make a donation please make checks payable to Saint John’s Family Shelter noting in the memo section, Thanksgiving or Christmas. Thanksgiving donations are due by November 20th. Christmas donations are due by December 16th. You may give checks to Bill Soulis or Ann Chaney.  Thank you, Saint John’s Shelter Board.

Martin's and Sheetz Gift Cards are the perfect gift for that special someone who has everything.  They are also great stocking stuffers too. They are a Win/Win:  Easy shopping for you and a contribution to J2A and our Personal Blessing Ministry. If you are thinking about giving multiple gift cards this holiday season, please see Joelene Young at the Antietam Street Entrance to place your order today. Your early order will ensure we have the inventory when you need them.  Thank you!

It’s almost Bester Christmas Shoebox Time Again!!! The Bester elf is preparing the list of children who will need your love and help to have a Merry Christmas! We don’t have the exact number yet, but we’re just letting you know it’s coming....  Stay tuned! As soon as we get the info we will be on the Antietam Street entrance with our lists and boxes. God bless! We thank you in advance for your love and caring! 


Christmas Boutique Reminder!  The Y2A Youth Groupneeds your donations for the Christmas Boutique fundraiser! Re-giftable items such as jewelry, collectible items, art, picture frames, scarves, hats and gloves, men’s ties, attractive useful kitchen items/decor, home décor, stationary, children’s activity materials such as coloring books, colored pencils, glitter pens, art paper, children’s toys, games, puzzles, decks of cards, and other items you think someone would appreciate receiving as a gift. But, PLEASE, no furniture, tools, shoes, sports equipment or clothing, or Christmas items. Leave donations in marked box(es) on stage in Trimble Hall. Contact Melissa Hutton at 240-625-6550 with questions. Many Thanks!

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