
The Third Sunday after Pentecost

Saint John’s Shelter is in need of new or gently used towels. Donations may be placed in the box located in Trimble Hall.

An Appeal for the Community Café: Every year the Maryland Food Bank offers holiday meal packages. In the past we have purchased some of these meal packages to give out at the Café and to the Shelter. This year the Food bank is partnering with Giant Foods to make the meal packages more available. The Meal packages consist of a 10 to 12 pound turkey and an addition box of canned and dry mixes to complete the meal package. The cost is $10 per meal and come in case lots of four meals each. Also every year Susan and I try to do something a little extra for the patrons of the Café and the possibility of these meals seem to be a perfect fit. We would need about 100 meals.

Once again we are asking for your support in raising the additional funds needed to purchase these meal packages. So any help you can give would be appreciated. Please send all donations to the office and mark them for Café Meal Packages and as always Susan and I can’t thank you enough for your continued support for the Café. Thank you, Bob and Susan Rauth.

Christmas Boutique Fundraiser for J2A (Journey to Adulthood): It may only be the end of June, but it is never too early to start looking around for no longer needed or wanted re-giftable items you can donate to the Christmas Boutique. We need items that are clean and in good repair, and that others would appreciate receiving as a gift at Christmas. There is an article in the July “Soundings” that lists lots of ideas: games, toys, puzzles, jewelry, scarves, art works, ceramics, collectibles, decorative photo frames, even crafts you might like to make and donate. So take a look at the article for more information, and look for monthly reminders and additional information in “Soundings”. A collection box will be on the stage at Trimble Hall.  For more info, call or text: Melissa Hutton cell 240-625-6550, or Joelene Young cell 541-659-8152. And thank you!!

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