
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Christian Education: Saint John’s offers Christian Education for youth on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. Classes for children ages 4 through high school meet in the classrooms above Trimble Hall.  New participants are always welcome. 

Adult Forum: The Jewish Cultural Context ~ In this session we will look into the most important and problematic cultural context for early Christianity, namely Judaism – the “symbolic world of Torah.”  The importance of Judaism is both obvious and straightforward: the Christian movement began as a sect within 1st century Judaism.  Judaism was problematic for early Christianity as its desire for cultural purity clashed with Gentile involvement. Join us in Saint Mary’s Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. service as we follow the story beyond the Sunday school teachings of your childhood.

Clarinet Recital by Will Miller, Sunday, October 6 at 5:00 p.m. as part of the Music at Saint John’s Series. The diverse program will feature a variety of repertoire ranging from classical to contemporary. Other instrumentalists include Joshua Smith, clarinet; Nathan Strite, organ; and Dr. Julianna Hayward, piano. A reception will follow the program. Be sure to invite family, friends and neighbors to attend this free recital.

Basket Bingo Tickets are on sale at the Choir Room/Elevator Corridor through October 13. Buy your tickets early before they sell out.  Just the facts: Basket Bingo, Friday, October 18, Lasagna Dinner at 6:00: Games begin 6:30. Approximately 18 - 20 games for baskets valued at $20+.  Ticket price:  $25. All proceeds benefit Service and Outreach Projects.  

Bester School Supplies Needed – School has begun and so has the need for school supplies.  Because government funding for Bester decreased this year, Bester elementary School would greatly appreciate donations of supplies from other sources.  If youcould help, please drop off what you can in a box marked Bester School Supplies located in Trimble Hall.  Examples of requested supplies are:  Clorox Wipes – a lot to clean desks, etc; – Wide-lined, 3-hole loose leaf paper; No. 2 Pencils; Colored Paper varied sizes.  For further information, please contact Lou Lamb (301-537-5704)

Bester School’s Young Student Needs – Sometimes when small accidents happen to young students at school, they need to change their underwear.  Bester does not have an infinite supply to offer, so for years, Saint John’s has helped to provide. Again this year, we ask for donations of underwear for both boys and girls in sizes 4, 6, and 8.  (Please no boxers or bikinis.)  Contact Lou Lamb (301)437-5704 with your greatly appreciated donations. Thank you.

Saint John’s Shelter is in need of towels, pillows and sheets.  Donations may be dropped off at the church office during regular business hours. 

Church Openers: Openers are needed for Sunday mornings. You should arrive around 7:00 a.m. and it takes approximately one-half hour to complete the process. Your name would appear on the schedule one time a month except during times when additional services are held like Christmas and Holy Week. Detailed instructions are available as well as training/  mentoring. If you would like to volunteer for this important ministry, please contact Melonie Orr at the Church office. 

Do you have plans for Thanksgiving? Fixing dinner for family? Going to visit family or friends? Not sure what you are doing yet? Saint John’s has been so generous with their support of the Café over the years that Susan and I wanted to do something to show our appreciation. So we would like to propose reviving what, according to what we have heard, was a tradition of having Thanksgiving Dinner at the Church. This would be a Parish Family event so we could give thanks to the parish for their support, not only to the Café, but to all of the outreach programs that we all contribute to. We would prepare the turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes and you bring a side dish to share. If you don’t have plans consider joining us and bringing your family and friends! Starting this week there will be a sign-up sheet at the Antietam Street entrance. Please lets us know how many would be coming and what dish you are going to bring. Where: Trimble Hall When: Thanksgiving Day at 1:00 p.m.

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