
Advent II

Adult Forum: Imperial Politics and Religion ~ Christianity took a major turn in the 4th century.  From this point forward, it will be difficult to disentangle Christianity as a religious phenomenon from its role in the political order.  Here we will see how the persecuted Christian cult became the established religion of the Roman Empire. Join us in Saint Mary’s Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. service as we follow the story beyond the Sunday school teachings of your childhood.

Saint Nicholas Day Festival:  Please join us today following the 10:15 a.m. service for lunch where you can purchase grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and chips. There will be crafts for the kids to make and take home. Don’t forget you can purchase delicious baked goods from the Snowflake Bakery and have your picture taken with Saint Nicholas. We hope everyone will join us and make this a wonderful day together. All proceeds from lunch will be donated to The Rector’s Discretionary Fund and proceeds from the Snowflake Bakery to personal blessings.

Saint John’s Shelter: Christmas is coming and Saint John’s Shelter will once again be collecting donations to give the families at the shelter a gift card for Christmas.  If you would like to make a donation please make checks payable to Saint John’s Family Shelter noting in the memo section, Christmas donation. Christmas donations are due by December 16th. You may give checks to Bill Soulis or Ann Chaney.  Thank you, Saint John’s Shelter Board.

Spread Christmas Cheer to Bester School!  We ask that all boxes be returned TODAY to give us time to organize everything and get it to Bester before Christmas vacation. Please DON’T FORGET to mark the date you returned the box on our list. This allows us to take inventory so we can ensure that no child is overlooked by Santa. Thank you for brightening a child’s Christmas and for all the many things you do to help our community! God bless us everyone, as Tiny Tim always said.   Florence Forbes, Karla Davis, and Lou Lamb  

Ushers: Two ushers are needed on team #7 at the 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested, please contact Mike Mummert or the Church office.


AmazonSmile is a simple, safe, and automatic way to support our parish every time you shop at Amazon, at no cost to you, using your current Amazon account.   Go to and log in with your account or signup.  Go to your account and select/change your charity.  Search St. Johns Parish Episcopal, and choose us as your charity.  Bookmark the page and use it every time you shop.

Martin's and Sheetz Gift Cards are the perfect gift for that special someone who has everything.  They are also great stocking stuffers too. They are a Win/Win:  Easy shopping for you and a contribution to J2A and our Personal Blessing Ministry. If you are thinking about giving multiple gift cards this holiday season, please see Joelene Young at the Antietam Street Entrance to place your order today. Your early order will ensure we have the inventory when you need them.  Thank you

Counters Needed:. This is an important ministry that happens behind the scenes. Beginning January 2020, two counters are needed for the 2nd Sunday of each month plus one additional week each year. Counting is typically done on Sunday following the 10:15 a.m. service (other arrangements can be made if necessary). Confidentiality is of utmost importance as well as accuracy. Training and detailed instructions will be provided. If you are interested in this ministry or have questions, please contact the Church office or the treasurer.

Micah’s Backpack Shopping List

Each “backpack” receives the following:

2- Cans of Vegetables – Corn/Green beans

2- Cans of Soup – Tomato/Chicken Noodle

      *Other types of Soups are okay

2 - Boxes of Juice – Must be 100% Juice

1 - Can of Tuna

1 - Can of Chef Boyardee

       *Spaghetti and Meatballs or Ravioli

1 - 24 oz. Can of Apple Sauce

1 - Packet of Instant Oatmeal

2 - Types of Cracker Packets

       *Peanut Butter and Crackers work well

1 - Individually Wrapped PopTart

      *Make sure a box of PopTarts is individually wrapped

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