101 S. Prospect St.
Hagerstown, MD
Phone: (301) 733-2560
Sunday Mornings
8:00 AM - Onsite Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:15 AM - Onsite & Online, Rite II with Choir
We are a lively, active community of faith. We strive to be a loving congregation, committed to welcoming ALL and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Saint John’s Episcopal Church is prayerfully searching for our next rector—someone who will join us as we grow in faith, service, and community. With a rich history, a welcoming congregation, and a commitment to outreach, St. John’s offers a unique opportunity to lead and inspire in Hagerstown, Maryland.
Learn more about who we are, what we value, and the exciting opportunities ahead in our parish profile.
TRADITIONAL PENITENTIAL RITES open both of our services today, as we mark the Third Sunday in Lent. At the 8:00 A.M. service, we offer A Penitential Order. This special use of the Confession of Sin at the very start of our worship calls each of us to continue to work hard at our Lenten discipline.
At the 10:15 A.M. service today, we include a recitation of The Decalogue – the Ten Commandments – with the responses sung by the Choir and Congregation. While not as widely used in the Church today, the Decalogue reminds us of God’s basic laws for us and stands as the foundation for laws in much of Western society. Many longtime Episcopalians will remember its use from times past.
Fr. Allan hopes your Lenten journey will be enriched by these and other special aspects of our Lenten worship.
We are a warm and welcoming community, where people care for each other and new faces quickly feel at home.
Experience our traditional, high-quality choir, which fills the sanctuary with uplifting and inspiring music.
We offer a traditional Episcopal service that embraces a modern and inclusive ideology, inviting all to worship together.
We love to gather for good food and fun events, strengthening the bonds that make our church a true community.
Sales begin Sunday, March 2
The St. John’s Church Bakers are offering delicious cheesecakes, chocolate cake, and carrot cake for $35 each. Proceeds benefit Service and Outreach projects. Purchase outside the Choir Room or call Bruce Massey at 240-675-4498 to order.
Sunday, March 23th, 5:00pm.
This contemplative service of scripture, prayer, and music provides a sacred space for reflection and renewal during the Lenten season. A reception will follow. All are welcome.
April 25-27 at Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
Experience stunning floral interpretations of artwork! Join Pieter and Stephny on Saturday, April 26, at 3 PM. Want to join the group? Email pbickford@gmail.com.
Saturday, March 22, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
A reflective Lenten retreat with Rev. Dina van Klaveren. Includes guided meditations, Noonday Prayers, and lunch. Sign up outside the Choir Room or email Fr. Allan.
101 S. Prospect St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Parking is available in the church lot at the corner of Walnut and Antietam Streets.
Tap on the image to walk through our beautiful, historic sanctuary.
Phone: (301) 733-2560
Website: stjohnshagerstown.org
Facebook: facebook.com/stjohnshagerstown
Instagram: @st.johnsepiscopal_hagerstown